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George-senior producer 100 H.S (Guest) 09/18/2010 04:45
So good to have met you in the studio last week. I have been aware of you from back in your record producing days. Although I am an avid music junkie, I can't begin to tell you how I value where God has taken you. I am looking forward to the featured journalistic report that we will air on 100 Huntley Street down the road. We will be sure to get back to you as to when it will go to air. Also lets keep praying about a citizen journalism link that we may engage in Lord willing. Bless your fall all you do.
Joe 09/18/2010 16:24

The word of God is life transforming! This has been a great discovery for me after being a "christian" for years....Thanks for your ministry and this interview is great!
Rebecca 09/19/2010 06:03

Words can not adequately express how thankful/relieved/proud I am to be a part of this ministry. I feel like family that undergirds, supports, listens, reacts and responds to the DAB ministry. I admire you and Jill for responding to the leading of God...thank you so much Hardin family for podcasting God's nourishment into my spirit...we are blessed!!!

Rebecca Hemple
Anita Stowers (Guest) 09/19/2010 11:45
Thank you, Brian for your continued commitment to The Daily Audio Bible and all of us who listen. You are a blessing.

Anita Stowers
Kris 09/19/2010 13:47
That interview was wonderful. I thank God everyday for leading me to the Daily Audio Bible podcast. Thank you Brian for your ministry and the work it takes to make it happen.

Kris Mansfield
(Guest) 09/20/2010 10:37
Thank you Brian for sharing your passion. I am a listener of DAB and have been impacted by your ministry. Thank YOU!

Colorado 09/21/2010 16:16
We love you, Brian and Jill!
matt fogle 09/21/2010 16:58
really loved the interview!! we love you hardin family. you are in our prayers
Tom B 09/23/2010 21:15
Great job Brian!
Ernest Brodowski 09/25/2010 14:11
Thank you for everything you do!!!!
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