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October 09 - TRAFFIC
What are some practical things we can do about this?
I know we can give money and we can pray and both of those are probably the two biggies.

But what else can we do about this? I live in Oklahoma City USA and when I typed human trafficking into Google I found out that I live in a major trafficking city because 1-40 and I-35 intersect.

Toni 11/02/2009 19:31

Craig from Illinois 11/03/2009 21:14
Yes, prayer and resources are necessary, but a practical thing for the men in this community is to come into the "Mens Forum" and read some of the posts about sexual immorality.

There you will find men who are repenting to God, seeking deliverance from sexual addictions, and taking part in programs like
John 11/11/2009 21:25
I agree Craig that we men must take the lead and first repent of whatever we have done or are doing as it relates to the exploitation of women by our participation in sexual activity outside of marriage. Men (mostly) create a demand which perpetuates this awful stain on society. I have dedicated all of the proceeds I make from my writing at to this ministry. Please visit my site and pass it on to your friends.
Craig from Illinois 11/12/2009 07:56

Thanks for sharing the link to your articles and sacrificing the proceeds from that work to this project! I will read and share your columns with my friends and family via Facebook.

By the way, excellent 11/11/09 article on this topic!
Penelope 12/27/2009 12:32
After listening to today's podcast (December 27th) and the prayer request at the end, I got all excited about the prospect of placing a link to the podcast "Traffic" on my own Facebook page...and then realized that I have no idea how to do that!

Would it be possible to put a link up that we can access to spread the news through our Facebook pages, or our MySpace pages, or even emails?

Thank you.
Roberto Blackman 08/09/2010 03:15
I beleve that we can arm ourselves with knowledge if were not facing this thing face to face. To know is very important when we know something I believe that when we speak to someone who doesn't know about Human Trafficking it actually sets prisoners free, although not in the physical, but spirtually in some extent. When we acknolodge their pain, their suffereng, their despair, and begin lifting them up in prayer and just having a mindset that they are in this state, we can still comfort them in spirit and in thought, thats one of the beauties of being one in the Spirit, we won't be separted. One of our biggest weapons is our voice, in that we can be a voice for the voiceless. In a culture where Art is gladly accepted, Art is powerful and I highly suggest if you are an artst of any medimum to use it.
Roberto Blackman 08/09/2010 03:17
I beleve that we can arm ourselves with knowledge if were not facing this thing face to face. To know is very important when we know something I believe that when we speak to someone who doesn't know about Human Trafficking it actually sets prisoners free, although not in the physical, but spirtually in some extent. When we acknolodge their pain, their suffereng, their despair, and begin lifting them up in prayer and just having a mindset that they are in this state, we can still comfort them in spirit and in thought, thats one of the beauties of being one in the Spirit, we won't be separted. One of our biggest weapons is our voice, in that we can be a voice for the voiceless. In a culture where Art is gladly accepted, Art is powerful and I highly suggest if you are an artst of any medimum to use it.