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October 09 - TRAFFIC
Kansas City Seminarian
On October 1, let me say that, at the very least, I was stunned and felt stupified by Brian's message of this modern day look at one aspect of slavery. As he said in his program, "like cotton with the slaves, where there is a supply, there is a demand..."
I listened to this Podcast on the way to one of the two churches I serve, in Nebraska and I began to think how I was going to bring this kind of issue into the rural settings I am appointed to? As I thought over it, meditated over it, prayed that day and much of the rest of the week. God spoke to me and asked me to share the "Traffic" podcast with a Bible study group that I fascilitate on the Saint Paul School of Theology campus. And so I did.
Let me just say that no one was prepared for what God brought to our attention that day! I am still wrestling with clarifying what God is calling us (a group of 12 male seminarian's) to do with this.
This much I do know: I will not stop praying about it! And there is a purpose for God telling me to bring this to the attention of my colleagues in Kansas City. Every person in that room that could speak after hearing the podcast wanted me to find out more, wanted to find out more, about how we could help go "after the 99."

We want to help, Brian. If it means you coming to the school, I bet finances can be raised that way. If it means person-power, we can arrange that. We have all, already begun to pray fervently about this Exodus Cry project. Most of us are here only a couple of days a week but we are praying that God will use our group for this ministry.

We will continue to pray about and study the Bible together and talk about about ways to be God's people with you in this challenging time. God bless your efforts and I hope to hear how we might help you accomplish your goals and maybe more...

Dan Swanson & Friends
Dan Swanson 11/04/2009 14:14

deborah 11/04/2009 16:50
praise God Dan. He is truly working in this.