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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
Replies: (page   1   2)
Craig from Illinois 05/19/2011 08:22
Today it seems to be fixed. Keep testing...
Ted C 05/19/2011 12:38
Have you tried closing and reopening your browser? I'm still seeing the issue.
John T 05/19/2011 17:06
I'm still having trouble too
Joyce 05/19/2011 17:35
Ditto, for me too.
Cabingirl 05/20/2011 07:06
Yep.... me too.
Joyce 05/20/2011 07:10
It seems to be working so far for me today :)
Craig from Illinois 05/20/2011 07:28
I was a little premature yesterday with my claim that it was fixed. It was not. But today I opened up the DAB web site and I was already logged in! And so far I am still logged in! Yippee!
Ted C 05/20/2011 10:45
John T 05/20/2011 16:52
Cabingirl 05/21/2011 07:43
Whew! :)

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