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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
Podcast for June 4, 2011
Hey! When I downloaded my podcast for today - June 4, 2011 - it is blank. There is nothing there! When I went to the iTunes store, today's podcast also has 0 minutes. Is it going to be reposted?
Kelley Vail 06/04/2011 06:16

Cabingirl 06/04/2011 08:02
They're working on it! :)
Clinton Lindgren 06/04/2011 13:21
It appears that this issue has been resolved, and yu should be able to download today's podcast. You may notice that the ID3 tag for this file shows the title, "DAB May04-2011", but it really is the one for June 4th. Hope this is helpful to those of you who have been waiting for the announcement. Have a wonderful Saturday!
