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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
Missing July 2nd podcast.
I am getting a 404 error from iTunes and the listen now link just spins for July 2nd.

No doubt it will be up later but I thought I would mention it in case no one on the team has noticed yet.

Your brother in Christ,
Ian Greely 07/02/2011 03:38

chris in miami 07/02/2011 05:56
I cannot download July 2nd podcast from any of the sites either. I'm so disappointed because I will have to walk without it.
Leslie 07/02/2011 06:15
me too! I noticed Chinese is not working either...
Russ 07/02/2011 07:05
Same here, no July 2 podcast, usually is there by midnight night before and definitely by morning. It is 7 am here in Illinois.
Cabingirl 07/02/2011 07:37
Nope, I can't get it either.
Leslie 07/02/2011 07:51
I sent a message to Brian... I would imagine it will be up by noon.
riccimonson 07/02/2011 08:32
Thanks Leslie. I hate to miss. I listened to China this morning so I got the New Testament.

Tina Seward 07/02/2011 08:34
I'm having the same problem!
George Sreckov 07/02/2011 08:36
I though it was just my iPhone. Hope it's not a server issue like it is with the prayer room. That would be really bad if it was down for days. I guess I'll use this opportunity to read the Word the old fashioned way. Love u guys. :)
Leslie 07/02/2011 08:40
We are working on it...the team is waking up to this. We appreciate your patience! :)

Great Riccimonson, glad you listened to China, she is wonderful! YES this time it's the mother podcast and NOT DABKids!

Thanks for your patience.

Brian Hardin 07/02/2011 11:03
The issue is fixed. You can now download July 2.