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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
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DenisL 08/26/2011 07:54
Amen here. Nothing on the DAB player, iTunes, RSS feed. The file is not there! HELP! We're having withdrawal.
Scott 08/26/2011 08:33
Oh no! Pray for DAB! We need our DAB! Please LORD... thank you for Brian!
Joyce 08/26/2011 08:49
Ditto here and I tried everything mentioned above.
-A 08/26/2011 09:16
Me too.
Cabingirl 08/26/2011 09:28
Nope.. nothing yet.
DenisL 08/26/2011 09:42
From the MP3 download (RSS Feed) page "The requested URL /mp3/August26-2011.mp3 was not found on this server."
Kris 08/26/2011 09:52
I just tried a minute ago and nothing..:( I'm sure they are working on it.
Brian Hardin 08/26/2011 11:11
DAB issue is fixed. Thank you to Burnie, Tyler and Caleb for staying at WindFarm until almost 6AM to permanently install our sound system. Dr. Neil Anderson TONIGHT 7PM CDT for VOX Conversations. Come if you are near, watch if you are far.
riccimonson 08/26/2011 12:05
Thank-you for all your hard work, Brian, Burnie, Tyler & Caleb!!
Cabingirl 08/26/2011 13:32
Yay! Thank you!
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