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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
Are we the only 6 people who can't get 09/12/2011 podcast?
It is 12:16 PM EST and I still cannot get today's DAB podcast! PLEASE help me!
chris in miami 09/12/2011 11:17

DenisL 09/12/2011 11:22
I am sure it is universal - A friend of mine txt'd me and he cannot get it either. We are just the only ones reporting it.
It is still unavailable as of 9:15AM PDT.
Diana in Los Angeles 09/12/2011 11:36
No, you are not alone. I hope all is well with Brian. I know he was supposed to fly home from Northern California yesterday but was taken to the wrong airport or something. Perhaps we should pray for him.
Ian Greely 09/12/2011 11:49
Still no sign of it actually downloading (or playing from the Listen Now applet).

No doubt Brian will fix it but I am suffering withdrawal symptoms from the word of our God.

Diana in Los Angeles 09/12/2011 12:04
May I suggest reading the Word ourselves, or listening to worship music while we wait? I still think we should pray for Brian since this is so out of the ordinary. Something must be wrong.
Chet 09/12/2011 12:43
We're watching... and it's fixed. :)

Remember you can always read online as well at

Diana in Los Angeles 09/12/2011 12:49
Thank you, Chet! This ministry is vastly appreciated and not taken for granted (I hope).