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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
Can't download podcast for today 10/22/2011!
I can't download today's podcast, 10/22/2001. I have tried all options. i like to listen when I take my morning walk.
chris in miami 10/22/2011 04:21

Claire Stanniland 10/22/2011 07:42
There does seem to be a problem with it - I've tried it via iTunes and this website and it won't download or play.
Joyce 10/22/2011 08:48
Lanny Carlson 10/22/2011 08:52
ditto ditto

Michael Sandeen 10/22/2011 09:11
Triple ditto
jennyjm 10/22/2011 09:55
I'm having problems, too.

DenisL 10/22/2011 10:11
No joy here either. Won't download to iPod, iTunes or play on the DAB player here.
Dave 10/22/2011 10:31
Ditto for me. Still not working.
Dave 10/22/2011 11:30
It's fixed. Got it! Thanks, now my day will feel complete.