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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
I'm so tired of spending 45 minutes or an hour on a response and having it wiped out.
This has happened to me more times than I can count. 10 plus at least. I'll go to compose a scriptural or thoughtful response to someone on the forums, and even though I often save the text I will get caught up in studying on a certain point, and BOOM - the page will refresh, or will error, or will error when I try to post. It's incredibly frustrating.

There has to be a way to fix this. If not, DAB should seriously think about moving to a forum engine that doesn't have this problem. By the nature of the discussions the responses tend to be very lengthy and take time to think through and word correctly. I'll bet many people have hit this issue and either stopped posting or been forced to not reply to a matter that is important to them.

Please PLEASE fix this somehow.


Ted C
Ted C 10/30/2011 22:40

Ray 10/31/2011 08:21
I've see this happen a few times, but then realized the browser back button would retain the text I had written and the site would allow me to post it a second time with success, but lately I've not had the experience. Even though I take a long time to write, the post still goes through the first time. Anyway, the back button has always worked for me. As an alternative, you could compose the post in another editor and then cut/paste it into the web interface.
John T 10/31/2011 19:13
I've had this happen before, and with firefox, pressing back does get my text back. I'm not sure it does in IE though.
Craig from Illinois 10/31/2011 20:22

I write in the comment box as I am now, but before clicking OK I to a CTRL A (select All) then a CTRL C (copy selected text). Obviously if I loose it in the process of posting, I can re-paste the text again.

Try to remember! But sometimes I forget as well.


Ted C 11/04/2011 23:13
Yeah Craig, that's what I do. I keep the text in Word in the meantime. If I get carried away and write for a half hour though and it times out.. boom.
GodB4Me 11/10/2011 00:56
It had happened to me a few times but I like Craig and Ted would highlight the entire post prior to hitting OK and paste it into my word program especially if it was lengthy and I thought I put alot of thought into it and edited it over and over, it was frustrating... I know.