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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
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Leslie 12/05/2011 15:30
Hi Tina and wgs1970, I checked on the podcasts, iTunes is working for the DABK podcast. What you using to download? One trick that might work is unsubscribing and then subscribing again. December podcasts are working as far as I can tell. Let me know what else I can do to help. At the very least you can listen from this site or the DABKids site if you can't download the podcast.

Thanks, Leslie
Tina Seward 12/05/2011 17:58
I am using iTunes. I just tried unsubscribing, resubscribing, deleting the podcast and then resubscribing. December is not downloading AT ALL.
wgs1970 12/05/2011 18:32
It still will not work for me either- it does not work via iTunes or the iPhone app.
monroe2112 12/07/2011 19:37
I cannot download any of the December podcasts from iTunes either.
Tina Seward 12/12/2011 19:11
Having problems with DAB kids, again! Neither yesterday's nor today's podcasts downloaded to iTunes, and I can't get ANY of the podcasts to play directly on my computer!
Leslie 12/13/2011 19:38
We are looking into the issue. We are sorry for the inconvenience and that you are having problems.
Tina Seward 12/13/2011 19:59
Today's DAB Kids downloaded.
Leslie 12/13/2011 20:03
Okay Thanks Tina! I also let Brian know about the issues..I am not having the problem on my iPhone or my computers and have run out of troubleshooting ideas! So I am glad to hear it downloaded! Thanks for letting us know..Blessings, Leslie
Tina Seward 12/17/2011 07:59
Well, DAB kids is acting up, AGAIN--for the past three days the Kids podcast has not downloaded. The regular DAB and DAB Proverbs are working just fine.
Leslie 12/18/2011 18:18
Sorry about this Tina. It works for me today. Is it working for you yet?
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