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small group study using DAB
We have five couples committed to listen to the DAB for five weeks. Of the ten people 6 have smart phones and the rest have basic phones. I'm not a technical person at all. So any advice would be helpful to get the DAB to the ones that have the basic phones. I'm open to any options available to us.
Bill 05/21/2012 13:40

Jake Van Horn 05/22/2012 00:52
Hey bill,

Do the individuals with the basic phones have a iPod or some other MP3 player? If so they can down load the podcast daily to one of those devices. for the the most part I've always used a iPod or iPhone to download the DAB. At one point I had a palm pre and used it to listen to the DAB with a pod-catcher other then iTunes. I would imagine that as long as you could get the daily reading in MP3 form you could put it on to just about any MP3 player. And there's always the option of listening from a computer. Not quite as mobile but is a nice option if your in a pinch. Hope your small group goes great!

Bill 05/22/2012 05:52
Thanks for all your suggestion. I'm sure I will use one of them. I am excited to see Gods word fill their hearts and minds daily.
Bill 05/27/2012 05:49
if I download to a I-pod is there a archive of readings I can go back to so my group can stay on the same page of scripture? Or do I just have to let some follow behind a week and keep updating as we go?
Jake Van Horn 05/28/2012 01:18
Hi Bill,

For the most part the podcast becomes available for download through iTunes the evening before that days reading. I'm not sure about all the various pod catchers but iTunes will keep all the daily readings, going back to January 1, available for download all year until January 1, 2013. Basically, at the turn of the year everything resets and starts over and even at this point if you missed out on a few readings you could purchase the previous year from the DAB store for a small fee. I hope you guys are able to make this work for everyone.

Have a great day!

Bill 05/28/2012 06:14
Thanks once again , I may just have to pull five weeks of prior pod cast and use them for this group.