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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
Can't download podcast for today 07/21/2012!
I can't download the podcast for today 07/21/2012. It goes without saying that I have tried iTunes, app, and DAB site. This has not happened in such a long time. I'm delaying my walk so that I can listen as I walk.
chris in miami 07/21/2012 06:48

Tina Seward 07/21/2012 07:04
Me neither. I wonder if Jill is in labor.
Tom B 07/21/2012 07:09
The file is not in mp3 format right. Yes--I hope there is a new baby now!
Cabingirl 07/21/2012 07:36
yeah, it's not up. Hoping and praying there is a very good reason for it!