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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
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Dezreavey 01/02/2013 18:12
So glad to find this thread, as I have the same problem. Thanks John, this will fill in what I am missing.

I have from the 8th of Dec (this shows how far behind I am.....) so I can send them to anyone who needs them.

I will only keep these for a few more days myself.

If you want them you can email me at

Craig Marshall 01/02/2013 20:14
This is, I believe, by design. According to the FAQ:

DAB Podcasts which are dated prior to the current year are available in the DAB Store. Anything purchased in the store goes directly to support the efforts of the Daily Audio Bible.

I guess prior year means prior year, even on Jan. 1. Maybe Brian could give a heads up at the beginning of Dec. that this will happen.
Dezreavey 01/02/2013 20:20
So to clarify, can we share these with each other or not? If this is something that is now meant to have a price attached to it.....

Any input from the DAB team?

Eric Larson 01/02/2013 21:32
Great find, Craig! But the most recent set of readings that I can find in the store is for 2011, so this still strikes me as more of a glitch than a plan to monetize the last few days of a year. Because even if I were desperate to pay for my one missing episode, I can't. And by the time 2012 is packaged and available for sale, most folks would probably have lost heart.

Knowing that the "you ought to download it daily" argument doesn't work perfectly (because I do, and my feed wasn't populated properly on the 31st) makes me think that in the big cut-over to the new year, losing the end of 2012 was a necessary evil and Brian would prefer that listeners can successfully close out the year with him even if it takes some informal sharing.

(I've been doing a podcast since early 2005; any time you have to transition servers or feed configurations, you wince as you throw the lever and just hope that people can ride out the damage along with you...)

I can't speak for the DAB team (and would love it if someone could weigh in) but my gut feel is that we can/should help folks to get the final episodes of 2012 so we can celebrate a successful year together. Do it with a clear conscience... and then we recipients can use this as a good excuse to throw an extra couple dollars toward a regular donation (or make 2013 the year that we start giving to support the DAB)...?
Patricia 01/07/2013 09:35
I am a listener who doesn't keep up. I subscribed on iTunes for 2012 but missed downloading some episodes so I have gaps in the list. I really want to finish the 2012 DAB & complete the Bible. Is there any way to get the episodes that I've missed? If I have to I will buy the entire year in the store, but its 2011. Thanks
Dezreavey 01/07/2013 14:57
Patricia - What dates do you need? I have from 8/12/12.

Patricia 01/07/2013 20:56
There are a lot of dates here, I didn't realize how many times I didn't open itunes. I started a new job & a lot of my energy went into work. If it is too much I can just buy 2011.

I need:
August 10-20th, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31

September 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9-13, 15-22, 22-30

October 1, 3-9, 11-14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24-27, 29-31

November 1-6, 15-21, 23-27, 29

December 1, 3-5, 7, 8, 9, 11-16, 19-27, 29-31
Dezreavey 01/07/2013 21:53
If you want to give me your email I can send you what I have, but it will probably only be the December ones from the 8th. I may have some of the others as I save them if Brian says something that I find profound on any given day, but these ones would be very sporadic.

Nicole Baker 01/14/2013 12:14
Thanks so much D! I'm sending you an email.
Chet 01/23/2013 08:07
Here's all of 2012 as a package or individual months right here on the DAB site:
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