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Podcast and Forum Technical Problems
iphone app not working
My iphone won't load the DAB audio "Unable to load view" I've been listening on this phone for a couple years. I deleted the app & reloaded it. Everything is working and available EXCEPT the daily audio. Any suggestions? I also turned off my phone and tried it again. Nothing.
riccimonson 01/05/2013 07:01

Tim Harris 01/05/2013 07:52
Same here. Nothing seems to work for me.
Bonnie 01/05/2013 07:56
Yep, I've been listening through the Bible Gateway daily email link to the DAB player. That works on my iphone...but the app is not working for me.
Donna Ripp 01/05/2013 09:43
The same is happening with my iphone.
Rebecca 01/05/2013 15:26
The same for me...