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Hi - weren't some or all of today's (30th) readings accidentally the same as yesterday's?
Peter Galamaga 01/30/2013 11:44

Sue Ellen 01/30/2013 14:38
Yes, the readings were a repeat from Monday, 1/28. They were not the correct readings for January 30th...Oops!
Kelley Vail 01/30/2013 15:53
Yes - today was definitely from the 30th! Guess we'll have to read the correct passages ourselves today! :-)
Peter Galamaga 01/30/2013 17:06
LOL!! That's okay. It taught me to listen more closely.
I was driving along and listening and at some point in the middle of the podcast I'm like "Waiiiit....a....minute...." and I started wondering if I'd dreamed the previous reading! LOL

DenisL 01/31/2013 07:42
Poor Jill. She didn't have to struggle with all those names after all!