iPhone APP discussion

New iPhone and Android Apps
I am very excited about the announcement of the new apps for iPhone and Android. Since I am an Android owner, I keep looking on the Android Marketplace for the Android App hoping it is there. I will gladly pay for this application if it does just a portion of what Brian described on today's Podcast (6/26/2011).

I wonder if anyone has downloaded the iPhone App, and what are you first impressions of it?
Servant-Ken 06/27/2011 16:13

Replies: (page   1   2)
Daniel Torres 06/27/2011 21:42
I downloaded the Ipad app and its awesome! They did a great job with the overall design and functionality.
Brian Hardin 06/30/2011 17:38
ANDROID APP is now available
SiouxieQ 07/02/2011 12:41
I just downloaded the Android app...WOW! I am THRILLED to be mobile with DAB. I missed several days while I was out of town last month, and stayed where I could not log into the internet (can you imagine?) ;-)

I'm on an LG Optimus S and the download was without any problems, launched immediately. The sound quality is excellent, no glitches discerned.

WOOT! Bless you, Brian, and all the techies who made this possible.
Jeff Clark 07/06/2011 09:32
I am having a small issue with the new iphone app. Sometimes my phone gets into this mode where the app will only play when the screen is on. when I put my phone on hold or the screen goes black from inactivity the audio will fade and then completely cut off. I have found that if I turn my phone off this clears up but when it happens it is permanant until I power off and back on. Anyone else having this issue? also some of the feeds don't work when this happens they just show 0:00 on the recording time and never play but if I cycle power then it comes back. I have an iphone 3gs with version 4.3.
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