The Fight For Life Virtual Class Forum

Brian Hardin 07/20/2011 15:03

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Helga 07/21/2011 06:43
It is not yet on iTunes.........I suppose I must wait a bit?

rustcp 07/21/2011 22:18

(I look to week 4 to offer a life-giving response or rebuttal).

This will need a second (or third? or fourth?) listening.
rustcp 07/21/2011 22:20
a somewhat challenging and sobering discussion, especially to those of us (which probably is everyone) currently facing suffering
Helga 07/22/2011 05:02
Another class which makes one dig deep into life with God. It is true that once you gone through personal hard times your attitude changes. None of us want to go through them, none of us like them. I find that the hard times softened my heart. I shudder thinking of all the things and also during those times going through them wanted God to instantly take them away.
I had to walk it out and the result is that I have so much more compassion for those going through hard times, for people who do not have what I have, for people who were born blind, lame etc. etc. I have learned that I have to pray for those broken hearts, sick, lame etc. because when I go through something like that, prayer carries me through.
I know that only by the grace of God we manage to "Fight for Life". When we humble ourselves before God, only then can we experienced the "love of God" (maybe easier said then done for me at times but we have to strive towards it)
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