Podcast and Forum Technical Problems

Issue on Android
Happy New Year everyone. I am experiencing problems playing Daily Audio Bible on Android. Brian's reading is very slow, at 1/4 the normal speed or less. The problem has been on the last four podcasts. I tried the download on both the Pocket Cast and DogCatcher apps, and I am experiencing the same issue on both applications. I don't have the problem on other podcasts. I know I am likely a minority, listening on Android, but I was wondering if others were experiencing the same issue?
Servant-Ken 01/02/2015 09:18

Replies: (page   1   2   3   4   5)
rhinodad 01/02/2015 19:40
I am having the same issue on Android (4.4) with both apps you mentioned. It is not a problem withe the Daily Audio Proverbs podcast, just DAB. I see other posts referring to a file type change, perhaps that is the culprit?
Chet 01/03/2015 22:18
Thanks for reaching out! After a significant period of serious evaluation, the DAB podcast has been changed to a different type of audio file that may be a part of the issue you're experiencing. The new format (M4A instead of MP3) allows the DAB to produce a higher quality audio file using a smaller file size, allowing the DAB to continue to reach those who have limited bandwidth or internet access.

I've done some research on this Android issue and have seen that several podcasting apps have a setting that causes M4A files to play back slowly. For the best experience, I'd point you to the official DAB Android app at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dailyaudiobible.subsplashconsulting.DailyAudioBible&hl=en.
rhinodad 01/06/2015 08:22
Servant-Ken, I contacted Pocket Cast support and they said they are aware of the issue and expect to have it resolved in their next update, hopefully in the near future.
Deanna 01/07/2015 19:04
This may be the same issue, but I don't see it exactly; My issue is that on my Android I use PocketCasts and DAB will *only* play at 1.0 speed. For months I'd been happily listening at 1.4 or 1.5 speed playback, and it suddenly became impossible. (not only this, but if I try to change the speed back to 1.0, it's still extra-slow-monster-voice until I go into a different podcast series, play that for a bit, change that one to 1.0, then go back to DAB. :-/ Blech.)
Any other podcast will play at the speed I choose, from .5 to 3.0 (times the default playback speed). I definitely need to be able to listen to DAB at 1.4 or 1.5 speed, or I cannot hear it all (and will definitely forget to listen to the rest in a different part of my day. Sorry, but this was working so beautifully for me, and now it's really not!).
I see that the dedicated "Android App" is $1 and that's fine, but can anyone tell me whether you can vary the playback speed in this app, AND THAT IT WORKS TO DO SO?
Thanks for any response. I really do enjoy DAB and want to find a way to listen that consistently works seamlessly into my day.
rhinodad 01/07/2015 19:46
Deanna, unfortunately the official app does not support variable speed playback (which is why I use Pocket Casts). Hopefully they'll release an update with the fix soon.
Servant-Ken 01/11/2015 21:31
Rhinodad, Chet and Deanna, thanks for the replies. Doggcatcher corrected their app recently, but I am having trouble with the feed downloading now. I also contacted PocketCasts about another issue and have been waiting for their update for over a month.
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