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Created: 01/02/2015 by Servant-Ken
Comments: 46
Latest comment: 07/01/2024 08:49 by Tracy Patterson
Created: 04/20/2019 by James Dearden
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/14/2023 03:54 by Jared Carpenter
Created: 04/07/2019 by Mike Durst
Comments: 8
Latest comment: 06/24/2023 01:59 by floyd byrd
Created: 07/03/2015 by Mary Jo
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/02/2022 02:40 by Irvin Mathis
Created: 12/15/2015 by michael miletti
Comments: 0
Created: 11/13/2015 by JerseyGrammy
Comments: 0
Created: 09/15/2015 by b4truth
Comments: 0
Created: 06/30/2015 by Jeff Sotski
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/30/2015 13:33 by Chet
Created: 06/02/2015 by Jim Roberts
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 06/02/2015 08:29 by Jim Roberts
Created: 05/30/2015 by Ian Greely
Comments: 0
Created: 04/27/2015 by Vicki
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/28/2015 09:36 by Vicki
Created: 02/24/2015 by NurseLisa
Comments: 0
Created: 12/24/2014 by SCOTT CARPENTER
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/23/2015 20:32 by NurseLisa
Created: 07/10/2014 by Yvonne Hambrick
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/18/2015 22:09 by David Edmorn
Created: 02/16/2015 by Ian Greely
Comments: 0
Created: 12/17/2014 by j s
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/11/2015 10:33 by Jim Roberts
Created: 01/02/2015 by Don Cleveland
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 02/04/2015 08:48 by dtmp
Created: 01/30/2015 by Stephen Lion
Comments: 0
Created: 01/17/2015 by Servant-Ken
Comments: 0
Created: 01/05/2015 by Mike Falciani
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/05/2015 17:06 by Chet
Created: 01/04/2015 by Stephen Lion
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/05/2015 17:04 by Chet
Created: 01/02/2015 by DTroller
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/04/2015 09:00 by DTroller
Created: 05/14/2014 by Jason Williams
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/03/2015 22:22 by Chet
Created: 01/02/2015 by Dave
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/03/2015 22:12 by Chet
Created: 01/01/2015 by Alan Cave
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/03/2015 22:03 by Chet
Created: 01/01/2015 by Kendra
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/01/2015 07:52 by Alphonso77
Created: 11/07/2014 by Ian Greely
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/07/2014 04:24 by Ian Greely
Created: 10/17/2014 by Elise FDA
Comments: 0
Created: 09/03/2014 by DDD
Comments: 0
Created: 08/03/2014 by Clinton Lindgren
Comments: 0
Created: 07/08/2014 by michael miletti
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/10/2014 01:06 by Yvonne Hambrick
Created: 07/08/2014 by Jim Roberts
Comments: 0
Created: 07/08/2014 by Jim Roberts
Comments: 0
Created: 05/24/2014 by Claudia Marie
Comments: 0
Created: 05/24/2014 by Claudia Marie
Comments: 0
Created: 05/06/2014 by Mark
Comments: 0
Created: 05/05/2014 by Ian Greely
Comments: 0
Created: 04/16/2013 by Dezreavey
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 04/15/2014 20:22 by Dezreavey
Created: 04/02/2014 by Allan
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 04/04/2014 15:13 by Allan
Created: 03/27/2014 by rtodd5011
Comments: 0
Created: 03/22/2014 by Ian Greely
Comments: 0
Created: 02/22/2014 by JENNIFER BELL
Comments: 0
Created: 02/22/2014 by JENNIFER BELL
Comments: 0
Created: 02/09/2014 by fiddlejen
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/11/2014 05:00 by John T
Created: 03/21/2013 by Anne Muller
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 01/28/2014 07:12 by Eliss
Created: 01/16/2014 by Scottish Tom
Comments: 0
Created: 01/02/2014 by Karen Hogg
Comments: 0
Created: 12/29/2013 by chris in miami
Comments: 0
Created: 12/13/2013 by Peter Galamaga
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/13/2013 16:39 by John Carney
Created: 12/08/2013 by Rita Hughes
Comments: 0
Created: 09/22/2013 by JT
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/02/2013 00:25 by Lanny Carlson
Created: 10/23/2013 by Ted C
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/23/2013 09:55 by Chet
Created: 10/18/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/18/2013 12:38 by Kelley Vail
Created: 10/17/2013 by Davidwayne Lackey
Comments: 0
Created: 10/03/2013 by Erik Williams
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/04/2013 11:49 by Chet
Created: 10/01/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 09/23/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 09/18/2013 by JT
Comments: 0
Created: 09/07/2013 by Felix Saldivar
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 09/09/2013 08:47 by Chet
Created: 09/05/2013 by Iain Franklin
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 09/05/2013 08:58 by Iain Franklin
Created: 09/05/2013 by Iain Franklin
Comments: 0
Created: 08/18/2013 by John Carney
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/19/2013 19:01 by John Mulcahy
Created: 08/14/2013 by Kristin Prior
Comments: 0
Created: 08/10/2013 by Darrel Raynor
Comments: 0
Created: 06/07/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 06/02/2013 by Ian Greely
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/02/2013 08:05 by Kelley Vail
Created: 06/02/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 05/31/2013 by UKSteve
Comments: 0
Created: 05/15/2013 by Roger Holbrook
Comments: 0
Created: 04/30/2013 by DenisL
Comments: 0
Created: 04/28/2013 by chris in miami
Comments: 0
Created: 04/28/2013 by chris in miami
Comments: 0
Created: 03/10/2013 by Ted C
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 04/16/2013 16:15 by Ted C
Created: 04/08/2013 by Tina Seward
Comments: 8
Latest comment: 04/16/2013 09:00 by John Greer
Created: 04/05/2013 by Tina Seward
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 04/08/2013 08:44 by Tina Seward
Created: 03/27/2013 by chris in miami
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 03/27/2013 19:40 by Ian Greely
Created: 03/22/2013 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 03/17/2013 by michael miletti
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 03/18/2013 11:37 by Tom B
Created: 11/22/2012 by Daniela Dong
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 03/16/2013 02:39 by Skimo
Created: 03/06/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 01/23/2013 by michael miletti
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/24/2013 17:23 by Dezreavey
Created: 02/14/2013 by chris in miami
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 02/14/2013 11:45 by Peter Galamaga
Created: 02/04/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/08/2013 08:48 by Kelley Vail
Created: 01/30/2013 by Peter Galamaga
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/31/2013 07:42 by DenisL
Created: 01/26/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 01/25/2013 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 0
Created: 01/01/2013 by Nicole Baker
Comments: 18
Latest comment: 01/23/2013 08:07 by Chet
Created: 01/23/2013 by DenisL
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/23/2013 08:06 by Chet
Created: 01/07/2013 by Preacher Siv
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/10/2013 11:19 by Preacher Siv
Created: 01/09/2013 by louise1
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/10/2013 11:17 by Preacher Siv
Created: 01/07/2013 by Darrcan
Comments: 0
Created: 01/05/2013 by riccimonson
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/05/2013 15:26 by Rebecca
Created: 12/16/2012 by Joshua Hesterberg
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/02/2013 14:57 by Joshua Hesterberg
Created: 12/29/2012 by Lora
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 12/30/2012 14:51 by Lora
Created: 11/30/2012 by richard cochran
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/30/2012 09:45 by Chet
Created: 12/14/2012 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/14/2012 05:46 by Chet
Created: 12/14/2012 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 11/27/2012 by Melissa
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 12/07/2012 20:06 by John Carney
Created: 11/24/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 11/24/2012 13:21 by Clinton Lindgren
Created: 10/30/2012 by Chet
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/30/2012 11:44 by Scrunchy
Created: 10/04/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 09/21/2012 by worric123
Comments: 0
Created: 09/21/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 09/11/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 08/27/2012 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 08/28/2012 12:33 by John (Yuahan) smith
Created: 08/24/2012 by slaveofjesus923
Comments: 0
Created: 08/23/2012 by John Carney
Comments: 0
Created: 08/08/2012 by Ian Greely
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/08/2012 21:33 by Chet
Created: 08/02/2012 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 08/03/2012 13:58 by John (Yuahan) smith
Created: 08/03/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 08/03/2012 06:55 by Chet
Created: 07/28/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/30/2012 13:36 by John (Yuahan) smith
Created: 07/30/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 07/22/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/22/2012 11:24 by chris in miami
Created: 07/21/2012 by Ian Greely
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/21/2012 18:45 by Ian Greely
Created: 07/21/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 07/21/2012 07:36 by Cabingirl
Created: 07/17/2012 by Terry Luck
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 07/17/2012 15:06 by Terry Luck
Created: 07/08/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 07/05/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 03/05/2012 by Cindy
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 06/26/2012 19:29 by Cindy
Created: 06/07/2012 by lynsymae
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 06/07/2012 06:10 by lynsymae
Created: 06/02/2012 by Buzz
Comments: 0
Created: 05/21/2012 by Bill
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 05/28/2012 06:14 by Bill
Created: 04/14/2012 by Skimo
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/08/2012 07:51 by Skimo
Created: 04/10/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/13/2012 07:52 by Cabingirl
Created: 03/05/2012 by Tina Seward
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 03/08/2012 06:53 by Tina Seward
Created: 03/07/2012 by DenisL
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 03/07/2012 08:57 by Sherry Ewert
Created: 02/29/2012 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 02/29/2012 12:26 by DenisL
Created: 02/29/2012 by riccimonson
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 02/29/2012 08:44 by DenisL
Created: 02/29/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/29/2012 06:53 by Lanny Carlson
Created: 02/21/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 02/29/2012 05:42 by Kristi
Created: 02/29/2012 by Ray
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/29/2012 02:43 by Laura
Created: 02/25/2012 by Helga
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/25/2012 22:27 by Helga
Created: 02/21/2012 by lynsymae
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/21/2012 12:27 by lynsymae
Created: 01/17/2012 by Todd Sorrell
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/07/2012 17:02 by Todd Sorrell
Created: 01/16/2012 by chris in miami
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/04/2012 19:55 by John T
Created: 01/23/2012 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/24/2012 07:42 by Cabingirl
Created: 01/10/2012 by Susan
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/10/2012 17:29 by Susan
Created: 01/10/2012 by Patrick W
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/10/2012 07:25 by Cabingirl
Created: 01/07/2012 by Kristi
Comments: 0
Created: 01/05/2012 by Erin
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/05/2012 14:33 by Erin
Created: 01/03/2012 by Laura
Comments: 0
Created: 01/01/2012 by Alfonso Arana
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/01/2012 13:33 by Lance Rushing
Created: 12/31/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/31/2011 11:38 by Iain Franklin
Created: 12/20/2011 by Bruce Moon
Comments: 0
Created: 12/05/2011 by wgs1970
Comments: 11
Latest comment: 12/18/2011 18:18 by Leslie
Created: 12/16/2011 by GodB4Me
Comments: 0
Created: 12/13/2011 by Tina Seward
Comments: 0
Created: 12/05/2011 by Eileen Scearce
Comments: 0
Created: 11/21/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 0
Created: 11/21/2011 by Manoj kommagiri
Comments: 0
Created: 11/18/2011 by Kurt Ceynar
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/18/2011 15:23 by Kurt Ceynar
Created: 11/17/2011 by Kurt Ceynar
Comments: 0
Created: 11/17/2011 by Roger A. Nowell
Comments: 0
Created: 11/15/2011 by Kurt Ceynar
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/15/2011 15:11 by Kurt Ceynar
Created: 11/12/2011 by Ian Greely
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/13/2011 08:24 by Cabingirl
Created: 11/10/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 11/12/2011 18:21 by Teenie
Created: 11/10/2011 by LilaRose
Comments: 0
Created: 11/07/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 8
Latest comment: 11/10/2011 05:19 by Hazel
Created: 10/31/2011 by Ted C
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 11/10/2011 00:56 by GodB4Me
Created: 11/06/2011 by Spencer VanRoekel
Comments: 0
Created: 10/31/2011 by Claire Stanniland
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/02/2011 10:29 by Claire Stanniland
Created: 10/25/2011 by Dorothy Sloan
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/27/2011 13:11 by GodB4Me
Created: 10/24/2011 by DoveInSky
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/25/2011 05:32 by Dorothy Sloan
Created: 07/24/2011 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 10/22/2011 12:24 by DoveInSky
Created: 10/22/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 8
Latest comment: 10/22/2011 11:30 by Dave
Created: 10/21/2011 by Ian Greely
Comments: 0
Created: 09/28/2011 by purpleelsie
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/20/2011 05:04 by purpleelsie
Created: 10/15/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/15/2011 07:11 by Leslie
Created: 10/04/2011 by Timothy Robinson
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 10/11/2011 18:21 by rickdakidd
Created: 09/12/2011 by DenisL
Comments: 12
Latest comment: 10/10/2011 11:27 by Jeff Clark
Created: 09/28/2011 by DenisL
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/03/2011 19:53 by John T
Created: 09/27/2011 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 09/27/2011 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 09/27/2011 by Stephanie
Comments: 0
Created: 09/26/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 09/26/2011 07:59 by Lanny Carlson
Created: 09/22/2011 by DenisL
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 09/23/2011 08:45 by DenisL
Created: 09/12/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 09/12/2011 12:49 by Diana in Los Angeles
Created: 07/24/2011 by Renee
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 09/03/2011 23:56 by Jenai-Nay
Created: 08/28/2011 by The appointed
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 09/03/2011 15:24 by Joyce
Created: 09/03/2011 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 08/27/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 9
Latest comment: 08/28/2011 06:16 by Tom B
Created: 08/12/2011 by Thomas Boyd
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 08/27/2011 09:39 by atazerxes
Created: 08/26/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 16
Latest comment: 08/26/2011 13:32 by Cabingirl
Created: 08/02/2011 by John T
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/12/2011 18:40 by John T
Created: 07/27/2011 by Calico
Comments: 11
Latest comment: 08/09/2011 21:28 by Calico
Created: 07/26/2011 by Karen Molloy
Comments: 0
Created: 07/25/2011 by chris in miami
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 07/25/2011 07:11 by Leslie
Created: 07/21/2011 by monroe2112
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/21/2011 08:36 by Dave
Created: 07/16/2011 by Kathryn
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/16/2011 12:02 by Leslie
Created: 07/15/2011 by Ian Greely
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 07/16/2011 08:15 by GodB4Me
Created: 06/26/2011 by Ray
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/07/2011 11:22 by Ray
Created: 07/02/2011 by Ian Greely
Comments: 10
Latest comment: 07/02/2011 11:03 by Brian Hardin
Created: 06/29/2011 by Ian Oakley
Comments: 0
Created: 06/26/2011 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 06/20/2011 by Catholica
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 06/23/2011 09:16 by Catholica
Created: 06/05/2011 by Richard Chatterton
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/05/2011 15:01 by Tom B
Created: 06/04/2011 by Kelley Vail
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 06/04/2011 13:21 by Clinton Lindgren
Created: 05/22/2011 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 05/18/2011 by Craig from Illinois
Comments: 15
Latest comment: 05/21/2011 07:43 by Cabingirl