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Created: 01/01/2014 by Michael Patrick
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 06/14/2024 03:24 by zelda thehgd
Created: 12/30/2011 by Donna
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 07/17/2023 19:01 by impetuousaloof saleheptathlon
Created: 08/04/2012 by mae osborn
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/17/2023 19:01 by impetuousaloof saleheptathlon
Created: 02/15/2012 by del hudson
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 07/17/2023 18:59 by impetuousaloof saleheptathlon
Created: 02/23/2015 by Andi
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 01/18/2022 03:46 by aditi verma
Created: 12/22/2015 by Chris
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/22/2015 12:04 by JT
Created: 12/03/2015 by Michelle Grace
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/04/2015 02:29 by JT
Created: 11/07/2015 by Sharon Hutton
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/07/2015 04:10 by JT
Created: 09/30/2015 by CaribRose65
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 10/08/2015 13:49 by CaribRose65
Created: 09/20/2015 by Ian McNamara
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 10/08/2015 10:33 by michael miletti
Created: 01/07/2015 by Sherry Moore
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 10/02/2015 10:40 by Sherry Moore
Created: 03/05/2015 by Lilah
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 08/19/2015 16:59 by slaveofjesus923
Created: 08/05/2015 by Ann
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/09/2015 09:00 by JT
Created: 06/11/2015 by Andrew Reed
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/12/2015 12:55 by JT
Created: 11/22/2014 by Mike
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 05/24/2015 08:20 by JT
Created: 02/26/2015 by Sandra Brandt
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/27/2015 08:37 by Marcie in MO
Created: 02/03/2015 by Darren Gambrell
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/15/2015 14:25 by Tom B
Created: 02/13/2015 by Marcie in MO
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/15/2015 14:24 by Tom B
Created: 10/10/2014 by Marc Bellucci
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/10/2015 08:48 by JT
Created: 01/07/2015 by UKSteve
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/10/2015 08:46 by JT
Created: 10/13/2014 by Kathy Longwell
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/10/2015 08:45 by JT
Created: 12/21/2014 by Treepose
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 12/27/2014 14:20 by Treepose
Created: 10/01/2014 by tanji
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 12/27/2014 01:13 by Scott
Created: 10/21/2014 by Chandra
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 12/27/2014 01:11 by Scott
Created: 12/27/2014 by Scott
Comments: 0
Created: 11/20/2014 by Nicki Keck
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/20/2014 19:25 by Kathy Longwell
Created: 10/15/2014 by Chris Pherson
Comments: 0
Created: 10/13/2014 by Deb
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/13/2014 20:30 by Kathy Longwell
Created: 09/08/2014 by Adrienne Germany
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 09/08/2014 21:29 by JT
Created: 04/23/2014 by pam
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 08/10/2014 15:32 by Melissa
Created: 07/09/2014 by lanettes62
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 07/21/2014 04:41 by JT
Created: 06/14/2014 by Cassie
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 06/29/2014 21:51 by Jackie
Created: 06/30/2014 by Jackie
Comments: 0
Created: 05/29/2014 by sarah evans
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 06/13/2014 21:50 by Cassie
Created: 04/29/2014 by Sage
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/30/2014 20:48 by Tom B
Created: 03/20/2014 by Elise FDA
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 04/10/2014 16:25 by Tom B
Created: 04/10/2014 by John (Yuahan) smith
Comments: 0
Created: 03/23/2014 by rtodd5011
Comments: 0
Created: 03/19/2014 by Selena
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 03/19/2014 10:36 by Selena
Created: 03/08/2014 by MM
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 03/19/2014 09:09 by Tom B
Created: 02/19/2014 by Brian Meyers Jr.
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/19/2014 17:34 by GodB4Me
Created: 02/04/2014 by Crandom
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 02/17/2014 00:15 by GodB4Me
Created: 01/07/2014 by Stephanie
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/31/2014 21:21 by Susanne Melton
Created: 01/24/2014 by Liz Landry
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/28/2014 13:58 by Paula
Created: 01/22/2014 by Amanda Berberian
Comments: 0
Created: 01/22/2014 by Amanda Berberian
Comments: 0
Created: 01/16/2014 by Chrissy
Comments: 0
Created: 01/13/2014 by Cleveland Dawsey
Comments: 0
Created: 01/11/2014 by Daniel Erline
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/11/2014 17:20 by Daniel Erline
Created: 01/06/2014 by Dahlia
Comments: 0
Created: 01/05/2014 by NiteStar
Comments: 0
Created: 01/05/2014 by Marsdog
Comments: 0
Created: 10/14/2013 by Linda L. Miller
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/05/2014 11:55 by NiteStar
Created: 12/07/2013 by anna handley
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/05/2014 11:50 by NiteStar
Created: 01/03/2014 by Lynn Marie
Comments: 0
Created: 12/31/2013 by Bill
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/02/2014 15:35 by Tom B
Created: 12/31/2013 by George Wilson
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/02/2014 15:12 by Tom B
Created: 01/01/2014 by Kathleen h Sturgis
Comments: 0
Created: 08/26/2013 by Zelda Byron
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 12/07/2013 15:20 by anna handley
Created: 11/29/2013 by Bukinuga
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 11/30/2013 13:21 by Bukinuga
Created: 10/28/2013 by Althea
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/29/2013 09:14 by Tom B
Created: 06/13/2013 by Chris Miramontes
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 10/30/2013 23:09 by Chris Miramontes
Created: 11/27/2012 by Lapsang1
Comments: 11
Latest comment: 10/25/2013 04:03 by Helga
Created: 08/15/2013 by Starlette ForGod
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 10/06/2013 02:30 by Kelley
Created: 03/19/2013 by Mark Viegelahn Jr
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 08/02/2013 10:14 by Mike Galle
Created: 07/12/2013 by Chrissy Perillo
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/15/2013 15:32 by Tom B
Created: 06/10/2013 by Marcie in MO
Comments: 0
Created: 05/27/2013 by Frances Hallgren
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 06/10/2013 09:56 by CarrieL
Created: 05/22/2013 by HisDesires
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 05/31/2013 16:16 by Tom B
Created: 05/26/2013 by Benjamin
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 05/31/2013 16:16 by Tom B
Created: 05/14/2013 by Maria Durojaiye
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 05/31/2013 16:14 by Tom B
Created: 05/27/2013 by Ted Howard
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 05/27/2013 20:09 by Ted Howard
Created: 05/16/2013 by Faithful One
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/17/2013 22:54 by Helga
Created: 05/10/2013 by Kevin Smith
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/13/2013 08:58 by Tom B
Created: 11/24/2012 by Luwellyn
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/07/2013 14:06 by Tom B
Created: 05/01/2013 by Tobye
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/01/2013 16:24 by Tom B
Created: 04/19/2013 by Paul
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/25/2013 11:23 by Tom B
Created: 03/19/2013 by Alison Mary
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 04/15/2013 13:25 by Tom B
Created: 03/16/2013 by Leslie
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 04/13/2013 07:35 by Leslie
Created: 03/22/2013 by Todd Fraser
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 03/25/2013 11:24 by Tom B
Created: 01/10/2013 by Doug Miller
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 03/19/2013 18:23 by Mark Viegelahn Jr
Created: 01/29/2013 by Christina Norris
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/29/2013 08:34 by Tom B
Created: 01/13/2013 by Quinta Jackson
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/25/2013 04:36 by Quinta Jackson
Created: 01/13/2013 by Ann Barber
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/25/2013 04:11 by slaveofjesus923
Created: 01/02/2013 by Alex
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 01/12/2013 01:24 by Alex
Created: 01/04/2013 by Mike Burstein
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/08/2013 07:11 by Elsie J Ruiz
Created: 01/05/2013 by Preacher Siv
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/06/2013 17:08 by Tom B
Created: 01/05/2013 by Jennifer
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/05/2013 08:39 by Tom B
Created: 12/26/2012 by Darrcan
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/26/2012 10:31 by Tom B
Created: 12/15/2012 by Randall
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 12/18/2012 15:47 by Tom B
Created: 11/30/2012 by Alix Ford
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 12/15/2012 10:09 by UKSteve
Created: 12/02/2012 by PaulUK
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 12/15/2012 10:08 by UKSteve
Created: 12/12/2012 by Deb
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/13/2012 11:59 by Tom B
Created: 12/07/2012 by Todd Fraser
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/07/2012 11:08 by Tom B
Created: 11/27/2012 by Mariah
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 11/29/2012 14:38 by Tom B
Created: 08/18/2012 by John Roberts
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 11/28/2012 08:28 by Sharon Thomas
Created: 10/04/2012 by slaveofjesus923
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 11/28/2012 08:15 by Sharon Thomas
Created: 11/21/2012 by Matthew McHenry
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 11/26/2012 14:20 by Tom B
Created: 11/19/2012 by Cheryl
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/26/2012 14:19 by Tom B
Created: 11/12/2012 by GORDON MCCLEAN
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 11/16/2012 19:54 by slaveofjesus923
Created: 11/06/2012 by Rette
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/16/2012 19:52 by slaveofjesus923
Created: 10/05/2012 by Mariah
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 11/01/2012 21:18 by slaveofjesus923
Created: 10/26/2012 by rocco
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/01/2012 21:07 by slaveofjesus923
Created: 08/16/2012 by Cheryl
Comments: 9
Latest comment: 10/13/2012 16:07 by mrtray
Created: 08/26/2012 by Lenitav
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 10/05/2012 17:15 by GodB4Me
Created: 08/26/2012 by Lenitav
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 08/27/2012 05:02 by Lenitav
Created: 06/15/2012 by Gloria M Hancock
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 08/15/2012 23:16 by Cheryl
Created: 08/04/2012 by starr berger
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 08/15/2012 23:04 by Cheryl
Created: 08/14/2012 by Gary
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/14/2012 13:58 by Tom B
Created: 08/10/2012 by Luke Talbot
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 08/11/2012 06:19 by Daniela Dong
Created: 08/08/2012 by Susan
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 08/08/2012 12:00 by Tom B
Created: 08/04/2012 by mae osborn
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 08/08/2012 11:42 by Shirley
Created: 07/18/2012 by Robin Newman
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 08/03/2012 08:36 by Tom B
Created: 07/23/2012 by Teig Olson
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 07/30/2012 22:43 by Helga
Created: 07/28/2012 by Lisa
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 07/30/2012 22:41 by Helga
Created: 07/12/2012 by ILJ
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 07/20/2012 10:30 by mrtray
Created: 07/06/2012 by Susan
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 07/20/2012 10:23 by mrtray
Created: 07/14/2012 by Laur.
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 07/14/2012 16:22 by Craig from Illinois
Created: 07/09/2012 by Lapsang1
Comments: 0
Created: 05/08/2012 by Cristhian Aparicio
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 06/29/2012 06:44 by Tom B
Created: 05/26/2012 by devbeth
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 05/29/2012 11:37 by Tom B
Created: 04/15/2012 by Starlette ForGod
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 05/16/2012 14:58 by DenisL
Created: 05/08/2012 by Karen Sutton
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 05/11/2012 11:03 by Karen Sutton
Created: 05/04/2012 by Pilgie
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 05/08/2012 06:45 by Craig from Illinois
Created: 03/30/2012 by liu Lucia
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 05/03/2012 09:05 by Daniela Dong
Created: 04/24/2012 by Bridget1982
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/24/2012 15:15 by Tom B
Created: 04/24/2012 by Tami Warman
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 04/23/2012 22:21 by Tom B
Created: 04/17/2012 by Fifi
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 04/18/2012 03:29 by Fifi
Created: 04/16/2012 by Fayann
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 04/17/2012 08:56 by Tom B
Created: 02/26/2012 by Brandon Cary
Comments: 13
Latest comment: 04/01/2012 08:16 by Leslie
Created: 01/06/2012 by Kristi
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 03/30/2012 07:19 by liu Lucia
Created: 03/29/2012 by Victoire
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 03/30/2012 01:38 by Jake Van Horn
Created: 03/18/2012 by Brandon Esparza
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 03/23/2012 10:25 by Kris
Created: 03/20/2012 by Keith in TX
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 03/22/2012 15:34 by Keith in TX
Created: 02/27/2012 by artmom
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 03/10/2012 22:13 by Marilyn
Created: 03/09/2012 by Fred
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 03/10/2012 22:11 by Marilyn
Created: 03/06/2012 by Cindilyn
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 03/08/2012 20:00 by wesrman
Created: 03/06/2012 by Chris Colyer
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 03/07/2012 09:12 by wesrman
Created: 03/06/2012 by Catey
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 03/06/2012 12:43 by Kris
Created: 02/29/2012 by Toni
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 03/01/2012 13:24 by wesrman
Created: 02/14/2012 by Laurie
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/19/2012 21:38 by Helga
Created: 12/18/2011 by Davida
Comments: 23
Latest comment: 02/19/2012 08:52 by Davida
Created: 02/12/2012 by Rob E
Comments: 10
Latest comment: 02/16/2012 10:53 by Kris
Created: 02/08/2012 by Arlessa
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/14/2012 15:28 by wesrman
Created: 01/05/2012 by Brittany
Comments: 11
Latest comment: 02/12/2012 16:46 by wesrman
Created: 01/30/2012 by Valerie99
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 02/06/2012 07:05 by Leslie
Created: 01/10/2012 by monarose
Comments: 19
Latest comment: 02/05/2012 06:33 by monarose
Created: 02/03/2012 by Shauna
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/03/2012 10:37 by Grace4mJesus
Created: 02/03/2012 by nancy rhoads
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 02/03/2012 08:53 by wesrman
Created: 02/01/2012 by Christy
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 02/03/2012 07:34 by Shauna
Created: 01/31/2012 by Priscilla
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 02/02/2012 14:17 by wesrman
Created: 01/23/2012 by Grace4mJesus
Comments: 11
Latest comment: 02/01/2012 10:09 by Grace4mJesus
Created: 01/28/2012 by lilacdreams
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/31/2012 00:13 by Heidi
Created: 01/17/2012 by Lisa
Comments: 8
Latest comment: 01/31/2012 00:12 by Heidi
Created: 01/24/2012 by David Nolan
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 01/25/2012 11:10 by wesrman
Created: 01/13/2012 by steven cowan
Comments: 9
Latest comment: 01/25/2012 07:05 by Craig from Illinois
Created: 01/18/2012 by Carol
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/22/2012 23:07 by Sewdelighted
Created: 01/17/2012 by Justin
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/17/2012 15:15 by Tom B
Created: 01/14/2012 by Mark Montgomery
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/17/2012 11:37 by Tom B
Created: 01/02/2012 by John T
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 01/14/2012 14:47 by John T
Created: 12/18/2011 by Chris Spicer
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 01/13/2012 20:53 by Chris Spicer
Created: 01/13/2012 by Kevin Reid
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/13/2012 11:54 by Tom B
Created: 01/13/2012 by Amelia
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/13/2012 05:38 by monarose
Created: 01/02/2012 by Rob
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/12/2012 09:12 by Davidobed
Created: 01/10/2012 by Irene
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 01/11/2012 00:34 by Heidi
Created: 01/06/2012 by Don Harris
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 01/11/2012 00:32 by Heidi
Created: 12/26/2011 by Heidi
Comments: 22
Latest comment: 01/06/2012 12:20 by DianeZ
Created: 01/05/2012 by Perry
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 01/05/2012 22:05 by Heidi
Created: 01/03/2012 by david donegn
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 01/05/2012 22:04 by Heidi
Created: 09/29/2011 by kdeborg
Comments: 15
Latest comment: 01/05/2012 22:03 by tina
Created: 01/03/2012 by Paul
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/05/2012 08:00 by wesrman
Created: 01/01/2012 by Kevin Cotton
Comments: 10
Latest comment: 01/03/2012 02:06 by Kevin Cotton
Created: 01/01/2012 by Cynthia McDOnald
Comments: 10
Latest comment: 01/02/2012 20:17 by Cynthia McDOnald
Created: 01/02/2012 by Dana
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/02/2012 10:56 by Craig from Illinois
Created: 01/02/2012 by marciak9
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 01/02/2012 10:38 by tina
Created: 12/28/2011 by John Cai
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 01/02/2012 10:16 by tina
Created: 12/30/2011 by Angela R
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 01/02/2012 09:02 by Angela R
Created: 12/27/2011 by Lor
Comments: 8
Latest comment: 01/02/2012 08:38 by Leslie
Created: 12/29/2011 by tina
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 12/31/2011 12:06 by tina
Created: 12/18/2011 by Chris Spicer
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 12/25/2011 16:41 by RaceGirl
Created: 12/23/2011 by John
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 12/25/2011 16:06 by Calico
Created: 12/25/2011 by whtmtns
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 12/25/2011 15:56 by Calico
Created: 12/02/2011 by JDan
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 12/20/2011 16:31 by RaceGirl
Created: 10/11/2011 by dayman
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 12/17/2011 12:08 by Debra
Created: 12/16/2011 by Roberta
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 12/16/2011 21:38 by RaceGirl
Created: 12/10/2011 by Ryan Anderson
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 12/11/2011 02:00 by Jake Van Horn
Created: 11/02/2011 by sfishy3
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 12/08/2011 11:05 by Calico
Created: 11/27/2011 by Kristen Of SoCal
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 12/08/2011 10:43 by Calico
Created: 12/06/2011 by Jeff
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 12/08/2011 10:05 by Calico
Created: 12/07/2011 by rida4christ
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 12/08/2011 10:03 by Calico
Created: 11/18/2011 by Misty Crawford
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/18/2011 12:23 by RaceGirl
Created: 11/15/2011 by Luda Sterling
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 11/15/2011 06:29 by Joyce
Created: 09/29/2011 by Jami
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 11/14/2011 21:35 by wesrman
Created: 09/22/2011 by Traveler
Comments: 6
Latest comment: 10/21/2011 17:36 by GodB4Me
Created: 09/26/2011 by Tovah
Comments: 7
Latest comment: 10/18/2011 19:02 by Calico
Created: 09/21/2011 by DianeZ
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 09/22/2011 00:21 by Jake Van Horn
Created: 09/22/2011 by Maria
Comments: 2
Latest comment: 09/22/2011 00:20 by Jake Van Horn
Created: 09/21/2011 by Luke Talbot
Comments: 3
Latest comment: 09/22/2011 00:17 by Jake Van Horn
Created: 09/16/2011 by Sunflower4jc
Comments: 4
Latest comment: 09/22/2011 00:15 by Jake Van Horn
Created: 09/03/2011 by rolander
Comments: 5
Latest comment: 09/11/2011 15:38 by Danny
Created: 09/03/2011 by Sharon
Comments: 1
Latest comment: 09/04/2011 01:55 by Jake Van Horn